Pollinator Patch Project
Your small patch can make a big difference! Join your neighbors in growing pollinator plants to increase community awareness of the importance of pollinators and how we can help them flourish. Choose one of our ten pollinator friendly plants, and in the spring we will provide you, free of charge, with enough seeds or starts to fill an area of 16 square feet. We can also provide soil tubs if you aren’t able to plant in the ground. Special thanks to Madison County Conservation District for their support of this project.
Specific planting and care instructions will be given for the plant you choose. You will also be given a small sign with the project’s logo to show everyone that your patch is part of a larger effort to make Berea a more beautiful and pollinator-friendly place!
Questions? Email us
Sonja Sunflower
With their bright colors and an abundance of pollen and nectar, sunflowers are among the most inviting pollinator plants. Their broad, flat faces provide a great landing spot for bees, butterflies and moths.
Life cycle: Annual
Height: 3-4’
Soil type: Average to dry
Sun requirements: Full sun
Pollinators: Bees, butterflies, moths
Okay in planter tub? No
Purple Coneflower
Also known as Echinacea, Purple coneflower is a staple in native pollinator gardens in Kentucky. The brightly colored center provides an excellent landing pad for butterflies.
Life cycle: Perennial
Height: 3’
Soil type: Average
Sun requirements: Full sun
Pollinators: Bees, butterflies
Okay for planter tub? No
Holy Basil
This hardy, low maintenance plant attracts a multitude of pollinators, including hummingbirds. The spicy leaves of this herb are edible and it is a common ingredient in Thai cuisine.
Life cycle: Annual
Height: 12-18”
Soil type: Average - moist
Sun requirement: Sun - part shade
Pollinators: Bees and other pollinator insects
Okay in planter tub? Yes
Also known as mourning bride or pincushion flower, these colorful blooms are enticing to butterflies, bees, and moths. Scabiosa blooms throughout the season, providing color late into the summer.
Life cycle: Annual
Height: 2-3’
Soil type: Rich, well-drained
Sun requirement: Full sun
Pollinators: Bees, butterflies, moths
Okay in planter tub? No
This beautiful purple flower is a bee favorite; it attracts many species including bumblebees, honey bees, and many native, wild bees. It is easy to grow, and will readily reseed itself to provide blooms all season long.
Life cycle: Annual
Height: 12”
Soil type: Average
Sun requirement: Full sun
Pollinators: Bees
Okay in planter tub? Yes
Not to be confused with catnip, this aromatic herb produces showy, purple flowers that attract butterflies and bees. It is easy to grow and does best in part shade, although it can tolerate full sun.
Life cycle: Perennial
Height: 12-18”
Soil type: Average
Sun requirement: Part shade
Pollinators: Bees and butterflies
Okay in planter tub? No
Anise hyssop
This native perennial is a member of the mint family, and it has a slight licorice aroma. Its purple flower spikes attract an array of insects and sometimes hummingbirds.
Life cycle: Perennial
Height: 2-3’
Soil type: Average
Sun requirements: Sun - part shade
Pollinators: Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, moths
Okay in planter tub? No
The small yellow blossoms produced by dill attract small bees, but the plant also provides food to butterflies and caterpillars. Its flowers are edible and can be used as a garnish.
Life cycle: Annual
Height: Varies
Soil type: Any
Sun requirement: Full sun
Pollinators: Bees and other pollinator insects
Okay in planter tub? Yes
Mountain Mint
The white flowers of this aromatic herb invite a great diversity of pollinators. It is easy to grow and its edible leaves can be used to make tea. It can tolerate partial shade.
Life cycle: Perennial
Height: 2-3’
Soil type: Average - moist
Sun requirement: Full sun
Pollinators: Bees and many others
Okay in planter tub? No