Raised Bed Garden Plan
Need a gardening plan for your raised bed? Follow ours! We provide seeds and a planting plan for a 3x5 raised bed for the spring, summer and fall.
**Planting dates and days to maturity are estimates. Weather and other factors may affect planting and harvest dates.
Before you plant
Choose a sunny location for your raised beds, if it has not been installed yet. Choose a location close to a water source, if possible. Place the bed in the desired location and fill with soil.
This plan is for two beds, with two crops in a single bed. After harvesting these crops in the late spring, we will plant warm season crops. Then in late summer those plants will be dug up and fall crops will be planted. This rotation will give us three different growing seasons and will maximize the use of the beds.
Plan 1
Spring - Radish and beets
Summer - Tomatoes and peppers
Fall - Turnips and lettuce
Plan 2
Spring - Kale and bunching onion
Summer - Swiss chard and bush beans
Fall - Peas and carrots
Early Spring
Plan 1
Radish and Beets
This bed will contain 4 rows, each 10 inches apart. Plant the first row 3 inches from the wall of the bed, and make the other rows 10 inches from the previous row. Specific crop information is provided below.

Variety: Rover
When to plant: April 2
Days to maturity: 21
Planting and care: Plant seeds 1 inch apart, ½ inch deep, in rows 10 inches apart. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about 4-10 days. After germination, continue to provide water regularly.
Harvesting: Radishes will be ready to harvest 3-4 weeks after planting. Loosen the soil from around the radish and gently pull it out. After the first harvest, a second round can be planted because radishes are a very fast-maturing crop.
Variety; Boro
When to plant: April 2
Days to maturity: 50
Planting and care: Plant seeds 2 inches apart at a depth of ½ inch. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in 1-3 weeks. Soaking the seeds for 24 hours prior to planting will speed germination. After germination, continue to provide water regularly.
Harvesting: Beets will be ready to harvest in about 55-60 days, once they reach a few inches in diameter. Loosen the soil from around the beet and gently pull it out. Beet greens are also edible.
Plan 2
Kale and bunching onions
This bed will contain 2 rows, with 18 inches between each row.
Variety: Winterbor
When to plant: April 2
Days to maturity: 60
Planting and care: Sow ¼ inch deep, 12 inches apart, in rows 18 inches apart. If you start the first seed 6 inches from the wall, you will end up with 5 plants. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about 7-10 days. Continue to provide water regularly after germination.
Harvesting: You can begin to harvest kale after around 50 days. Using a clean pair of scissors, cut the leaves down to about an inch above the soil. Cut the outer leaves and allow the inner center leaves to grow. The kale will regrow for multiple harvests.
Bunching Onions
Variety: Nabechan
When to plant: April 2
Days to maturity: 60
Planting and care: Sow ¼ inch deep, ¼ inch apart, in rows 18 inches apart. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about 7-10 days. Continue to provide water regularly after germination.
Harvesting: You can begin to harvest bunching onions after around 60 days. Gently pull from the ground and trim roots down to about a quarter inch. You can also snip the stems and allow them to regrow for multiple harvests.
Late Spring/Early Summer
After harvesting your spring crops, amend your soil by adding compost and mixing it well with the existing soil. This will add nutrients to the soil for your next crops.
Plan 1 (follows radishes and beets)
Peppers and tomatoes
Planting date: May 23
This bed will contain 2 rows, 20 inches apart. Peppers and tomatoes are planted as starts rather than seeds. They should not be planted until the threat of frost has passed. Plant 3 pepper starts, 8 inches from the long wall of the bed, with 20 inches between each plant. Plant 2 tomato plants, with 30 inches between each plant. Space the row of tomatoes 20 inches from the row of peppers (or 8 inches from the other long wall). Water generously after planting, and continue to water regularly. Be sure to water the roots and keep the leaves as dry as possible. Continuously wet leaves can lead to disease, especially in tomato plants. Tomatoes and peppers will need to be staked or caged for support.
Tomatoes: 1 Celebrity (Days to maturity: 72)
1 Washington Cherry Tomato (Days to maturity: 60)
Peppers: 2 Flavor Burst Bell Pepper (Days to maturity: 67-87)
1 Nassau Cubanelle (Days to maturity: 64-84)
Plan 2 (follows kale and bunching onions)
Bush Beans and Swiss Chard
This bed will contain a row of swiss chard and a row of bush beans, 20 inches apart from each other.
Swiss Chard
Variety: Bright Yellow
When to plant: June 1
Days to maturity: 57
Planting and care: Sow 1/2 inch deep, 3 inches apart. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about 5-7 days. Continue to provide water regularly after germination.
Harvesting: You can begin to harvest swiss chard after about 50 days. Using a clean pair of scissors, cut the leaves down to about an inch above the soil. Cut the outer leaves and allow the inner center leaves to grow. The chard will regrow for multiple harvests.
Bush Beans
Variety: Provider
When to plant: June 1
Days to maturity: 50
Planting and care: Plant seeds 4 inches apart, 1 inch deep. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about 7-10 days. After germination, continue to provide water regularly.
Harvesting: Provider beans will be ready to harvest in about 55 days. Gently pluck the flat, purple and white pods from the plant. The pods will be about 6 inches long at maturity. Harvest regularly to encourage new pod set.
Late Summer/Early Fall
After harvesting your summer crops, amend your soil by adding compost and mixing it well with the existing soil. This will add nutrients to the soil for your next crops.
Plan 1 (follows peppers and tomatoes)
Turnips and lettuce
This bed will have 2 rows of turnips, planted about 12 inches apart. The remainder of the bed will be for leaf lettuce. Leaf lettuce seeds can be broadcast evenly throughout the remaining area. Be sure to leave at least 6 inches between the turnips and the lettuce.
Variety: Hakurei
When to plant: Aug 29-Sept 5
Days to maturity: 38
Planting and care: Plant seeds 1 inch apart and ¼-½ inches deep, in rows 12-18 inches apart. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about a week. After germination, continue to provide water regularly.
Harvesting: Hakurei turnips will be ready to harvest in about 7 weeks. They taste the best when harvested at about 2 inches in diameter. Loosen the soil from around the turnip and gently pull it out. The greens are also edible.
Leaf Lettuce
Variety: Encore
When to plant: Aug 29-Sept 5
Days to maturity: 40
Planting and care: Distribute evenly over the surface of the soil. Cover lightly to â…› inch and firm gently. Do not plant the seeds too deep. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. The seeds should germinate in about 1-2 weeks. Continue to provide water regularly after germination.
Harvesting: Your lettuce will be ready to harvest in about 3-4 weeks. Using a clean pair of scissors, cut to about one inch from the bottom of each plant. The lettuce will regrow for multiple harvests.
Plan 2 (follows swiss chard and bush beans)
Carrots and peas
This bed will contain 2 rows of carrots and 1 row of peas, each 12 inches apart from each other. Start the first row 6 inches from the wall of the bed.
Variety: Atlas
When to plant: Aug 4-11
Days to maturity: 70
Planting and care: Plant seeds 2 inches apart, ¼-½ inches deep, in rows 12 inches apart. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Carrot seeds can take up to 3 weeks to germinate. After germination, continue to provide water regularly.
Harvesting: Atlas carrots will be ready to harvest in about 70 days. Atlas is a Parisian type of carrot, which means they will be similar in size to a radish, instead of long and slender. To harvest, loosen the soil from around the carrot and gently pull it out. If the top comes off, you can simply dig the carrot out instead.
Variety: PLS 595
When to plant: Aug 4-11
Days to maturity: 64
Planting and care: Plant seeds 2 inches apart, ½-1 inch deep, in rows 12 inches apart. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Peas take 1-2 weeks to germinate. After germination, continue to provide water regularly.
Harvesting: Peas will be ready to harvest in about 65 days. Use both hands to harvest the pods, pinching the stem of the pod with one hand and gently pulling the pod with the other. Try not to tug too hard and dislodge the plant. It’s best to harvest peas in the morning after the dew has dried.